Experience Apogee Lake County

Raise your standards

"Don’t waste a lot of time and money pushing kids in a direction they don’t want to go. Instead, find out what weirdness they excel at and encourage them to do that. Then get out of the way.”

-Seth Godin

Six buckets of the day

1. Core Academic Skills

Master the foundations of reading, writing, and math.

2. Hands on projects

Life long skills are produced through physical hands on projects.

3. Socratic conversations

Critical thinking and speaking skills are honed through civil discourse.

4. outdoor free time

Free time fosters creativity, discovery, independence and problem solving.

5. jobs and responsibilities

On campus responsibilities and off-site apprenticeships bestow ownership in learners work.

6. real physical fitness

Apogee Lake County is partnered with Physiology First to provide real physical education. Daily workouts build a strong body to facilitate a strong mind.



“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-